Bryan Vasquez, CAT-C III

Bryan Vasquez, CAT-C III

Bryan Vasquez CAT-C III Realize Recovery

As a Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor, Bryan Vasquez has been integrated in the addiction field for over a decade. Bryan has worked extensively in psychiatric hospitals, residential and outpatient addiction programs performing both group and individual counseling. Bryan is a certified SMART facilitator as well as Friends and Family facilitator and is versed in traditional as well as holistic modalities for treating addiction.

Bryan is a former Marine who has been in recovery since 2009. Bryan offers concepts from the scientifically supported processes that helped him to realize his own recovery. These proven methods include: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commit Therapy, Community Reinforcement and Family Training, Motivational Interviewing and Compassion Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These techniques do not impose change but support change in a manner congruent with each individual’s goals and values. 

Bryan also guides friends and family in how they can help their loved one who is in or is considering treatment. He provides this guidance while simultaneously assisting friends and family in their own self-care and wellbeing.  In a recent trial funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the approaches that Bryan employs produced a 64% success rate in getting a loved one into some form of treatment.