Online Group Sessions

Online Group Sessions

Realize Behavioral Health offers affordable and flexible online group sessions available in conjunction with 1-on-1 addiction counseling or as a stand-alone service.  Engaging with others in a recovery support group setting can be helpful in building confidence, establishing a sober community, and help one establish a sober support network.  

Group sessions can be a cost-effective option to supplement individual counseling and a great way to get connected with others who are on the same road to recovery.  Groups are held on a weekly basis and conducted by multiple members of Realize Behavioral Health.  Space is limited to 8 participants, call today and reserve your spot!


Support and Belonging:  Realize that you are not alone, and others are going through the same challenges you face in recovery.  Conflicts, resentments and damage caused in personal relationships can often leave us feeling isolated and like no one understands how difficult it is to overcome addiction. It can be a powerful experience connecting, interacting and getting support from others going through recovery process.  

Perspective and Motivation:  The members of a counseling group can become a strong form of constructive feedback and positive support, helping each other see situations more clearly and positively.  Through group interaction, members often find themselves rethinking how to respond to various situations they encounter between sessions and begin to take action to think and act in healthier ways.  This desire to report positive outcomes to the group can be an incredible motivator in the change process.  

Affordability:  By engaging in group counseling you can attend four group sessions for roughly the same cost as one individual session.  This can greatly diminish the costs of treatment and be used as a stand-alone service or in combination with 1-on-1 counseling.  Group sessions can provide support and involvement in ways that 1-on-1 counseling is unable to match.


  • Establishing Interpersonal Boundaries and Communication skills
  • Goal Setting Theory
  • Managing and coping with Urges
  • Education on Physiological and Psychological Effects of Alcohol and Drugs
  • Stress reducing skills, mindfulness techniques and how to live a balanced life
  • Evidence based techniques to maintain sobriety

Group Prices

  • $40 per group.
  • Maximum 8 participants.  
  • Please call at least 24 hours in advance to secure your spot.  

Let’s work together.